Hello everyone!
I am Richard Soberka, creator of Photoway.
A photographer and traveler, I designed this site in 1998 to share my passion for photography and travel and to present my personal vision of our planet.
An ad-free Internet site (except for my own game Captain Bumper), created in 1998 and receiving hundreds of visitors each day.
A collection of photographic reports and authentic travel diaries providing
numerous practical information on over 30 visited countries.
A professional photo library oriented towards travel/tourism and categorized by country.
All photographs on this site are protected by French and international copyright laws and also feature an internal copyright and electronic signature "Watermark".
These are not royalty-free images: any copying, reproduction, printing, display, or web publication is subject to my prior consent.
For any requests to use photos contact me by email.
Depending on the use you intend, two scenarios may arise:
1) You represent a publishing house, a magazine, an advertising agency, a tour operator, an internet site or any other professional company... and you wish to use my photos for commercial purposes...
Find exclusively a selection of my best photos at the Agency HEMIS.FR
Otherwise, let me know which photos you are interested in and their intended use...
I will then provide you with a precise... and affordable quote!
Of course, all photos are available in high definition (A3+ @ 300 dpi).
Professionals: consult the dedicated page Photo library for more information to access tens of thousands of other photos...
2) You are an individual or a non-profit association and wish to use my photos for your: Blog, Facebook account, non-commercial personal website... problem, it's free! (Only for low-resolution photos 960x640 pixels)
In return, I simply ask to include next to the photograph the following mention:
"Photo © R. Soberka -" with this text mandatorily as a clickable link to my site:
• Definition: is an Internet site designed for all audiences and freely accessible without any restrictions. The entire content of, photos, and texts, are protected by copyright, but freely viewable without limitations.
• In accordance with the so-called "data protection and freedom" law, the Internet site does not collect or store any personal information about its visitors, and, moreover, does not have a forum or blog and does not deposit "cookies" in Internet browsers.
• For any questions regarding the rights to use the photographs, please contact Richard Soberka.
Lover of nature, the respect of the planet is my absolute priority.
Thus, I pay particular attention to not pollute or damage the places visited, contenting myself with capturing on film the wonders of nature... for more information consult my personal page.
My objectives:
• To break the daily monotony by bringing you a bit of escape through my reports.
• To transmit to as many people as possible my deep respect for nature.
• To offer my photographs for sale: professionals, consult the Photo library section!
More information:
• The site has been online since August 1998, but the idea was born during the preparations for my first "world tour" carried out in 1996.
• I am the author of all the stories and photographs found on this site.
• I take particular care to verify the accuracy of the information in my stories; however, if you discover any errors or anomalies, do not hesitate to inform me.
• However, these stories reflect my personal feelings, and cannot in any case be considered as universal truths, they are simply my own opinions.
A French pioneer of the "travel photos" and "photo travel diaries" genre, the concept of Photoway was launched in 1996, initially in the form of a CD ROM, then put online as a website on August 4, 1998.
Photoway was born from the imagination of Richard Soberka, photographer and traveler, who wanted to present his two passions of travel and photography in this way.
The first ten years of Richard's travels, between 1984 and 1994, were mostly focused on "adventure" and "hard travel", so the photographic equipment was reduced to the bare minimum: a reflex camera with a single lens, or sometimes even a simple compact camera!
One of the highlights of this period was, in spring 1988, a cross-country journey through the United States, from New York to Los Angeles, covering more than 9,000 km mainly by bus!
From 1995 to 2003, the focus was on photography...
...and on the equipment necessary for producing good images.
Thus, the standard photographic equipment, taken on each trip, was seriously expanded:
2 reflex cameras, a Nikon wide-angle zoom lens, a telephoto zoom f/2.8 Nikon lenses with prime focal lengths, a flash, etc... total, 6 to 8 kg to carry every day!
This second period was marked by a world tour carried out in 1996, which allowed Richard to realize an old dream, to live a unique adventure... and in passing to enrich his photo library with thousands of images, including some superb photos of Thailand, Bali, Australia, or Tahiti.
This trip was also the founding act of Photoway.
From 2004, once becoming a professional photographer, Richard emphasized the production of high-quality images and detailed reports, such as those devoted to the United Arab Emirates, Martinique, etc...
The beginning of 2005 was marked by the definitive switch to digital, thanks to the Nikon D2x reflex camera, the first of the brand to really offer image quality comparable to the best slides used until then.
In 2006, a second world tour, including new destinations - Chile, Easter Island, India, etc...
...allowed to significantly enrich the stock of available photos.
It was also an opportunity to enjoy oneself, and to revisit some known countries:
New Zealand, Singapore, Hong Kong, etc...
In 2025: Richard Soberka now has a digital photo library of more than 100,000 photos accumulated over 30 years of travels and covering nearly 50 countries or territories.
More than a hundred clients - publishers, tour operators, advertisers - have already recognized the quality of his photographic work.
Richard has always wanted to live his passions, sometimes at the cost of significant personal sacrifices...
...Today, thanks to years of perseverance, he finally manages to make a living from them!